Packing list:
Gear: - 60-80 liters backpacks (Karrimor) Medicines: - Anti-mosquito lotions
- 20 liters daypacks - After-bite sticks
- flight bag - Paracetamols
- hiking shoes - Disinfecting lotions
- sandals - Water purifiers
- Aqua socks - Menthol
- waterbottle - First Aid kit including:
- a little bag for around your waist - needles
- 3 toilet bags - plastic gloves
- waterproof bags - syringes
- hostelsheets - bandages
- klamboe - medical statement
- kayway/poncho - Multivitamins
- zip-off pants - Condoms
- Sowing-kit - Anti-diarrhea / Anti-constipation
- Manicure/Pedicureset - Earplugs
- Headlamp - Against motion sickness
- Travel books (Lonely Planet) - Oral rehydration salts
- Suncream and lotions - Anti-fungus
- Shampoo/soap/toothpaste etc... - Thermometer
- Washing powder and washing line - Anti-conception pill
- Socks/slips/some t-shirts - Water filter
- Travel socket/plug - Earcottons
- Mobile phone - Anti-fever
- Important papers
- Battery charger
- Multifunctional Tool
- Knife, fork and spoon
- Padlocks
- Razor
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